Bringing families together

School carpooling made easy

With features to find, plan, and execute carpools, Tribe facilitates a safe and efficient school carpooling experience with people you trust.

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How it works

Say goodbye to the dreaded emailing and texting chains

Our founders used to organize carpools via text and email. After months of confusion, missed rides, and being late to school, Tribe was made.


Easily see which families live closest to you and what school actitivites they participate in.


Message families to see who best you connect with. Create a group of parents you trust.

Schedule and Ride

See who’s driving, who’s riding, the pickup location, and time. Schedule repeat trips or for single days.

Learn why Tribe is great for your school

Tribe was built in partnership with several schools to fix your most pressing issues and we are continuously improving.

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Faster car lines

Significantly reduce traffic congestion around your school

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Save money

Cut out expensive transportation like buses

Closer community

Help parents and kids connect in a digitized world

Lower CO2 emissions

Lower your community's carbon footprint

Effortless carpooling is a tap away!

Download our app and schedule carpools effortlessly. No more texting chains. No more emailing chains.

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Our Features

Learn why Tribe is great for parents

The inspiration for Tribe arose from parents' struggles to find and plan carpools easily. Carpooling should be simple.

Find new parents

Find parents who live near you and whose kids participate in the same activities your children do.

Trusted circle

Organize carpools with verified parents from your school. Never pay for drivers and carpool with who you trust.

In-app messaging

Get to know parents in your community and communicate about each trip within the app.

Flexible scheduling

Know who is driving, riding, and when you are meeting. Schedule repeat events or just for one day.


Never miss another ride with our automated reminders to ensure everyone gets to school on time.

and much more!

We are building new features each day like real time tracking, calendar syncing, and more.

Find the best parents to carpool with

It can be hard to find people to carpool with. With Tribe, you can see parents from your school who live near you. You can also see what activities their kids are a part of.

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Filter by distance and activites

See parents who live near you and who have children that participate in shared activities.

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Join active carpool groups

Looking to get right into carpooling? Request to join active carpool groups in your community.

Connect with parents to form the best group

Tribe offers an in built messaging experience so that you can form the best carpool group with parents you trust. Form as many groups as you want. There's no limit!

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In-built messaging

Never leave the app with an in-built full stack messaging experience.

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Threads, reactions, and more!

Reply to people in threads, react to messages, and send images, attachments, and more.

Schedule and ride effortlessly

Schedule events for daily carpooling or carpooling to school activities. Always know who's driving, riding, and where and when you are meeting. Carpool organization simplified.

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Organize everything in one place

Easily see all the details about a trip from who's driving to who's riding to the time you are meeting.

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Repeat events

Schedule repeat events that fit your group's differing schedules and that can be edited anytime.

Reduce car lines, transportation cost, and CO2 emissions

Our product was designed and built with school representatives from across the country. We'd love to have you on board as well!